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About Us
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       Stories of elves who are among us today!
         With some Dwarves and Goblins thrown in!
So...who IS this guy ANYWAY??
HI! Welcome to my site and my world! Glad you stopped by, hope you'll come back often!

I'm a Urban fantasy writer...among several OTHER things! (See below) The subject of my musings are Elves who live, work, and wander among us today...and on occasion interact with us. (Of course, there are more than a few Dwarves and goblins as well!) At times we are their adversaries, and at other times …we are their lovers. The actions takes place both in our world and theirs, many times at the SAME time!

My characters are real people I encounter as I walk around in our world, at gas stations, grocery stores, and Sci Fi/Fantasy conventions. The action takes off from there, though I never know where it will end. It's usually somewhere I NEVER expected, but the adventure is ALWAYS worth the ride! Warning though, there ARE some "bawdy" bits, because I deal with real life!

I come with some unique and varied experience that winds its way through my books. I started "adult" life (it's all relative!) as a musician. From there I went into law enforcement, ministry, and the military. My hobbies include amateur astronomy, ancient and medieval history (especially military history), arms and armor, archeology, and firearms, with a good dose of paranormal interest thrown in. (I am also a VERY frustrated pilot!)

I've been married forty three years (AND counting!) the SAME wonderful, long-suffering woman! She has given me six children, equally divided between male and female...who have blessed us with ten grandchildren (so far!). I write long-hand, in something that resembles a cross between hieroglyphics, cuneiform, and some yet undiscovered script. My wife willingly and (usually) cheerfully translates and transcribes it into something you can actually read.

I would LOVE to hear from you! Let me know what think of my site and my world. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Write me at

Also, please visit my Facebook page!

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